Ongoing Professional Learning

Members recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.

This links with the CGE (Catholic Graduate Expectations) #4 - A Self-directed, Responsible, Life-long Learner who: (e) sets appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life.

On this page, there were no assignments that I felt I could place from taking the 'Religous Education in Catholic Schools' Course. However I am, without a doubt, a self-directed, responsible, life-long learner. A few years ago, when blogs and particularly the website 'Pinterest' became popular, I frequently used these websites to help me find creative ideas for the classroom.  After awhile, I thought, "I can do this. I have lots of great ideas to share." So I researched how to create a blog and basically just tried it out.

Thus, this is my 2nd BLOG.  My other one has lots of teaching ideas, which include pictures, descriptions and files to share with other teachers. Therefore, I am both learning and sharing; what a perfect combination!
You can find my teaching blog at:

From St. Dunstan's (where I started my Catholic Learning Journey as a child) to being a teacher now. My journey is far from over...
Returning to St. Dunstan's (my old elementary school) with my children
My next step is taking the Intermediate English ABQ. I am currently taking this course (Febuary-April, 2017) through Queen's University - and thoroughly enjoying it! My teaching skills, as well as supporting both staff and students in English language teaching and learning, are ready for the next step. I will start to post any great ideas (like LINOit pages, PowToons creations, and CANVA possibilities) on my other teaching blog:

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