Wednesday, 1 March 2017

My journey continues...

My journey as an educator and a (proud) person of Catholic faith continues.  I have just completed the AQ course Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Part 1, through Queen's University

Here are my reflections of what it means to be a Catholic educator for elementary-aged children.  I have a very important role to fill in helping educate our youth. To the right, you will see pages which link the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Standards to the Catholic Graduate Expectations (CGE).

This is how I believe the OCT Standards link to the Catholic Graduate Expectations
OCT Standards
Catholic Graduate Expectations
 CGE # 7. A Responsible Citizen who (f) respects and affirms the diversity and interdependence of the worlds’ people and cultures.
CGE #1. A Discerning Believer Formed in the Catholic Faith Community Who: (b) Participates in the sacramental life of the church and demonstrates an understanding of the centrality of the Eucharist to our Catholic story.
 CGE #2 An Effective Communicator who: (c) presents information and ideas clearly and honestly with sensitivity to others.
 CGE # 5 A Collaborative Contributor who (g) Achieves excellence, originality and integrity in one’s own work and supports these qualities in the work of others.
Commitment to Students and Student Learning
 CGE # 7. A Responsible Citizen who: (e) witnesses Catholic social teaching by promoting equality, democracy and solidarity for a just, peaceful and compassionate society.
Professional Knowledge
 CGE #3 A Reflective and Creative Thinker Who: (c) thinks reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems.
Professional Practice
 CGE # 2 An Effective Communicator (b) Reads, understand and uses written material effectively.  The standards talk about using appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation resources.
Leadership in Learning Communities
 CGE # 5 A Collaborative Contributor who: (F) exercises Christian leadership in the achievement of individual and group goals.
Ongoing Professional Learning
 CGE # 4 A Self-directed, Responsible, Life-long Learner who: (e) sets appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life

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